Labels:bar | book | cabinet | sink | vegetarianism OCR: COMPUTER SECURITY ROM INCLUDED HALTING THE HACKER A Practical Guide To Computer Security To safeguard your company data, think like g hacker! When it comes to computer r security your r livelihood and your company's S furure are on the line. It's pot encugh to simply follaw security "reokbook you need to get into the mind of your adversory, the hacker In Halting the Hacker, lending Fortune 500 security consulrant Ishows you the apprcorhes nd techniques hackers use to gain access privileges, and contral of you UMD systen You'll leorn to look at your system th way horker does, identifying potential I vulnerabilities You'll learn whr seific counmesurs taxe now Even more important you'll leam how to rexognize and respond d to fufure serurity concern before they becom cetastrophes discover How ...